Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has a reputation for high quality innovative service delivery underpinned by skilled and motivated staff.
Investment in innovation, multi professional education and research is vital to improving the delivery and quality of patient care. The Bradford Education & Training Centre at BTHFT is dedicated to educating, training and developing our current and future workforce to support the vision of a continually learning organisation.
This is supported by a team of clinical and non-clinical educators, development of specialised education roles through the clinical education teams and the establishment of strong leadership by medical and nursing leads in undergraduate and postgraduate education.
We have modern and well equipped teaching facilities to enhance learning, including a Simulation Centre, Technical Skills Lab and Practical Skills Lab where training can be delivered to share expertise and knowledge of other healthcare professionals in a supportive study environment.
We also support the provision of high quality practice placement environments for students and doctors in training.
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20 Smith Lane, Bradford, BD95HP
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Trust Induction, Newly Qualified Nurses Induction, Junior Doctor’s Induction and HCA Induction