Widening Participation

Communities within the Bradford District experience high level of inequalities in various guises, which can include social mobility. However, the team are focused on breaking down these barriers and providing opportunities to those who may have not necessarily have thought of a career within the NHS or Social Care.

The team pro-actively engages within the community, whilst attending careers events in the locality, providing advice and guidance to schools as well and engaging with the local community.

We have participated in various employment programmes, including sector based work academies, Kickstart programmes and T-levels to name a few .

Careers Ambassadors

The work of widening participation is also linked to the roles of careers ambassadors who are key in championing what we do in the NHS and social care. If you would like to sign up to become a careers ambassador, please email, us on  careers.ambassdors@bthft.nhs.uk As we promote more cross working and follow on from our ‘Act  as One’ ethos, we are hoping to align with the belief that grass roots recruitment aimed at young people across Bradford and Craven district can truly make a difference to our future workforce gaps in years to come. For more information please visit:

Bradford and district Partnership
One Workforce Hub

Useful Contacts

Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Website


This page enables you to review the range of different services we offer across our hospitals and in the community

Step into the NHS


A website and communications programme for 14–19-year-olds which aims to stimulate awareness of the huge range of opportunities available within the NHS.

NHS Careers


This website identifies a huge range of exciting and challenging opportunities. With more than 350 different careers on offer, there is a job for you no matter what your interests, skills or qualifications.

Department for Education


Leads work across Government to enable all children and young people to reach their full potential.

NHS Choices


Provides information on how the NHS works, and details of local trusts and health services.

Skills for Health


The Sector Skills Council for the health sector which aims to help the whole sector to develop solutions that deliver a skilled and flexible UK workforce in order to improve healthcare.

Marie Malcolm Richards
Education Lead Apprenticeships & Widening Participation  


Safina Akhtar
Apprenticeship & Widening Participation Co-Ordinator


Tracey Sutcliffe
